December 29, 2015

Myanmar and California quake threats similar

The earthquake threat in California is little different from that posed by the Sagaing fault line that slices north to south through the middle of Myanmar.

Earthquakes hit California and Myanmar every day, but while most do not cause damage or loss of life, experts say the day will come when big quakes will cause major disasters and loss of life.

Governments must prepare for that day now.

The key to surviving an earthquake and reducing the risk of death or injury lies in identifying potential quake areas, establishing proper building code and putting in place comprehensive disaster response plans that involve families, schools, government agencies and the police and military.

Myanmar is well on its way to understanding the threat of earthquakes and preparing the people and the government to respond appropriately.

During a major earthquake, you may hear a roaring or rumbling sound that gradually grows louder. You may feel a rolling sensation that starts out gently and, within a few seconds, grows violent, or you may first be jarred by a violent jolt. A second or two later, you may feel shaking and find it difficult to stand up or move from one room to another. (Courtesy of Mizzima)

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