December 12, 2015

Myanmar needs China

Both Myanmar and China call each other “paukphaw” (Burmese word for sibling or intimate), reflecting the closeness in Sino-Myanmar relations. Both countries have, for centuries, maintained substantive relations with each other, and the same has been reiterated by the leaders of the two countries. Former Chinese President Hu Jintao also remarked that “building good friendship between the two countries is a key component of the foreign policy of China.”

The relations between the two countries have largely been guided by the “Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence” which are contained in the Sino-Burmese Declaration of June 29, 1954. China has been, at several times, accused of treating Myanmar as its “client state”, with numerous Chinese labelling Myanmar as a “beggar with a golden bowl” (a poor nation with immense pool of natural resources). Despite these accusations, China has supported Myanmar like no other country and has been the largest investor in Myanmar with an investment of over US $15 billion. Myanmar and China share a long history of amicable relations with each other. It was China which endowed Myanmar with full support during its most repressive period. China has remained Myanmar’s basic support and largest investor through the years. (Courtesy of New Delhi Times)

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